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me, me, me! how can I get rid of me?
did you ever notice, you like god, you like to be good, you aspire paradise etc. just for you yourself?
this is the real me.
why do you do good deeds?
I say, the reason behind, is me!
because of me, I do the right things.
since I've been told that right things will lead to beatitude.
there I will be free of toil and pain and labor and any bad and unpleasant thing.
every one like it! it's natural it's inherent in being human.
this is the alphabet of the path of humanism.
I'd say, even a cow or a dog or mouse would like paradise! if you like it it may not be a true substantial evidence to be human :))
so, longing beatitude aspiring paradise doesn't mean I'm on the way to nirvana!
until, I sacrifice my passion and let my desire of heaven fade away, in order that it may able me to see how pleasant it is to want people to get on the train going to the garden.
so, show me, from which way I can lose me; and survive? :)) even in losing me, I'm seeking me! what a parody!
no way I can release me from me.
see! I like you because it benefits me :)) not because I must or you're deserved.
may be it is one of the invisible pillars you have deployed and balanced the world on!
so, the ancients were not wrong when they said the center of the universe is the earth!
I can imagine and may justify it.
I maintain it for now and may discuss it later.